New Year, New Post

Published on 02 January 2019

Well, hopefully it’s not going to come down to that level of frequency. But things have been, let’s say, less than optimal the last few months.

The munchkin started daycare a few months ago, and combined with an immune system unaccustomed to general exposures due to a working from home freelance life, I have spent most of the last few months either sick, or recovering from being sick, or looking after a toddler who is sick, or recovering from being sick. It’s been really great[1]. Essentially, it’s been several months of constantly being (or at the least, feeling) behind on work, housework, home maintenance (yay old house) and self-care.

Only shortly before Christmas have I started feeling more human, and in balance. Enough to feel somewhat more motivated to cook and create.

Even with the sick induced slump though, I’ve been compiling a list of things I’ve been looking forward to sharing. Here’s a bit of a preview of what’s to come.

2019 Preview

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas/Holiday season and wishing you all great things for the coming year.

[1] It really hasn’t.